Download Windows Version

Please Read

Download the Game & Patcher for a much smoother experience!

The web version allows you to play from anywhere, but the underlying technology behind WebGL (The web version) is still not at par with Flash when it comes to performance or stability. So we are offering the standalone version.

  1. The install location cannot be changed, due to windows permissions that would require admin permissions for every update, which prevents passive updates and relogging. Please do not try to override the install location.
  2. This client is in beta, which means it has a fair bit more work ahead to be the software version of the game we intend.
  3. When updating, ensure all instances of the game are closed or it can cause issues!

Windows (64-bit) Download

Download 64-Bit IOU

Windows (32-bit) Download

For MUCH older computers that don't support 64-bit

This is no longer supported as less than 0.5% of players were on 32-bit. The web version available on this site should work for 32-bit users :)